Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Feeling like crap

So, my college decided to cut the music program. And I was a music major. Now I've got nothing and I feel like my 2 years of music classes are worth nothing now. Thats what I'd dedicated myself too and now I don't have that. I don't have any music programs. Ya they offer a Music Minister certificate, but thats only good for the church. I never wanted to work in the church. I wanted to work outside it and spread the word of God to people who're harder to reach. Now... nothing... well I still got it. But it's not complete. And I was doing so well. Getting better. Grrrrrrr! And I can't afford to go to any other college and soon I won't be able to afford this college if they keep things going as they are.. increasing stuff. Ok, gotta go to class before I'm late.

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Me singing "It is well with my soul"

This video was recored Saturday, March 7th, 2009 in the Harvest House at Central Christian College of the Bible. Me and my friend Becky sang "It is well with my soul." We sang harmony. This is the first time that I've sung infront of a large crowd like we had there. I was nervous, but God helped me through it. I'm glad I did this.

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Just regular old boring

So, I'm going to have to retype this. I'll make it shorter.

No class for 4 days, sleep, fun, hanging with friends, cleaning room obsessively, and more sleep. Now classes are back in session.

That's basically it.

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

Monday, February 16, 2009

Woot, I'm back to blogging...

So, here I am again. I'm actually trying to get a regular schedule now for my blogging... trying to do it more often. Trying... keyword, lol. Nothing much happened this weekend. Just a regular weekend. I watched about 40 episodes of Criminal Minds, slept, watched my fishies swim around while watching me watch them, and hung out with friends. I called my mom too, she is doing alright. My brother is good too, he was with my mom when I called and he talked to me. Then my grandma called last night before I went on a walk with my friend Dani. I guess it was the weekend to talk to a bunch of my family members, lol.

I've been sick all last week and this week, but I think that I am getting better. My cough is still bad and it hurts, but my sinus stuff is going away. WOOT!!

Hmmm.... I guess that I don't have anything else to talk about. Like I said, nothing really happened. Just boredom, lol. I'll blog to you guys laters.

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

Friday, February 13, 2009

United in Praise (part 3)

In this life, my new life, your new life, our new life
These set apart, sanctified, glorified lives
We are not judged by the color of our skin
But by the heart that beats fast within
This world will not, cannot define who I am
For I am defined by Christ, yes every woman, child and man
In my Father's family everyone is strong enough, fast enough, smart
Doesn't matter if you're not tan enough, black enough, brown, Hispanic,
Asian, Caucasian
Our King is a lover of every color, pigment, tint, stain and nation
Denominations divide us and doctrine we often use to hide us
But to Christ we are tied for every child He died
Not just for the slave or the free, the Jew or the Greek
But for the people you single out as the greak or the geek
We are so intolerant when it comes to background, gender, or skin
We call names, spit in faces and expect God to tolerate our sins
It's not about ignoring the difference and being color blinded
It's about loving regardless, embracing it and being color minded
Because when the waters ran over me and I was buried with Christ
I made the decision to look through His eyes and with all His child
We are all brothers and sisters, heirs according to His promise in His
Everyone in which the seed of Abraham is stored, open you ears, it's
time that you heard
Racism, prejudice, discrimination and bigotry
All weapons used to destroy by the hand of our enemy
It's time we fought back with love, acceptance and peace
Time to love our neighbor and with hate and racism, take a deep breath
and release
Father Abraham had many sons, many sons had father Abraham
Red, yellow, black and white, it's time to join hands and unite
I am one of them and so are you
We're all precious in His vision, to love or hate is your decision
So let's just get along, white arm, black arm
Jesus loves the little children of the world

~ Rai (Mary) Owens - Central Christian College of the Bible ~

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

United in Praise (part 2)

We have been charged not to be divided
but to be united
To be of one mind, judgement, spirit and
To be made complete in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ, since
He is the one that brings us all together
Yet for some reason that is not the
picture we see today
Looking at our schools, businesses, and
yes even the church
Instead of unity we see denominations,
theologies and segregation of worship
Saying we love each other but never
really showing true love
We hear things like, " You're way isn't
right, mine is."
And, "That's not how you worship God,
this is."
Instead of coming together as one body,
we push each other away,
Into our different little cliques
Made from church names and belief
But that wasn't Christ's mission or the
reason He came to die
He wasn't crucified so we could forsake one another
For that is the work of the enemy and
should not be ours
Christ came so that we would serve and worship Him in one faith
One faith regardless of background,
ethnicity or doctrine
You say you're united but I don't believe you
But here's your chace again, so now
you tell me
And not by your words, but more by
your actions
Are you living in division?
Or are you living in unity?

~ Mary Paulsen - Central Christian College of the Bible ~

Peace out

~ Ashley ~

United in Praise (part 1)

In ChristThere's no Jew
No Gentile
But in today's culture
Sit back and notice how
We seperate ourselves
And fight amongst each other
Shouldn't let color determine my brother
No black, no white, no Mexican
But in Christ
We each other's next-to-kin
It ain't right
When we claim we next to him
And then fight
About who has the better skin
Or better denominational medicine
Or independent autonomous kind of cure
This unity application seems so obscure
Seems so far from what Christ intended
Or the instructions Apostle Paul
We've got to end this
This is sickening
Tearing down brothers from different backgrounds
We need to make a change right now
I submit that we all have a piece
Let's come together so that Christ is
And His love is released
When we gonna realize we have the same enemy
Satan don't like you and he don't like me
Let's foget the I's, me's and my's
It's us
Together through the God we trust
We must
Stand together and we will crush
The Kingdom of darkness
So regardlessRestoration, Baptist or Pentecostal
We all believe in the Gospel
We all agree Christ died
We all agree He's alive
We all have the same Holy Spirit inside
United we stand
Divided we die
So let's stand united
And die in Christ

~ DeRonte Polite - Central Christian College of the Bible ~

Peace out

~ Ashley ~